jade tree records:
saddle creek records:
polyvinyl records:
dischord records:
southern records:
resin records:
rawkus records:
track star records:
belle and sebastian:
modest mouse:
jurassic 5:
elliott smith:
fountains of wayne:
guided by voices:
the promise ring:
jimmy eat world:
hey mercedes:
rainer maria:
assorted links.
insound: online indie rock markteplace and more.
make-out club: join the club.
chicago reader: chicago's arts weekly
washington city paper: dc's arts weekly
hyper pr:
friend's links.
Space Age Polymers homepage.: a pop-punk band from NE PA.
all you have to do is believe...: Cristyn's homepage: some great poetry and links.
The Almost Totally Unofficial Jets to Brazil homepage: by Chris and Sam.
Detroit Killer Crew: detroit straight-edge
Peter was on vacation.: the best indie-pop on the planet
GRRLS R US: the coolest girl page from a kindergarten teacher
where the boys are: sweet chicken kristen's site.
tim kinsella's homepage: eat a dick!
go home.: